Date: December 14, 2011
Subject: An Early Christmas Gift to Conservatives from David Axelrod
From: Freedom is Knowledge
- Please feel free to share these stories with others. All news links have been verified -
"President Barack Obama's campaign doesn't seem too troubled by Newt Gingrich's ascendancy to the top of the Republican primary polls.
Time's Mark Halperin reports that at a briefing for reporters today in Washington, Obama adviser David Axelrod said of Gingrich: 'The higher a monkey climbs on the pole the more you can see his butt.'" - Business Insider |
"The Higher a Monkey Climbs On The Pole, the More You Can See His Butt."
- Quote by David Axelrod, Obama advisor, (12/13/2011) on Newt's climb in the Republican debate. However, it seems to better describe Obama's in the 2008 presidential election and what Americans discovered looking up as he climbed the pole.

Here's what Americans discovered while Obama "climbed the pole" as prime candidate for the Democrat Party in 2008 and then led for the next three years.
And the sight up the pole got even worse!
China smiles as Obama whines to Iran, "Give me back my downed U.S. drone." - Taiwan News
Iran Mocks Obama After He Asks For Downed Drone Back, Says He ‘Begs To Give Him Back His Toy Plane’ - The Blaze
Plus More Disturbing Views!
"Obama administration intends to make the United States the Global Sex Cop!"
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
We live in historic Biblical Times
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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Western North Carolina
Background photo source: President George Washington