Date: December 9, 2011
Subject: Obama didn't want to blow up new sophisticated U.S. compromised drone, might offend Iran and start war
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Below is Iran's released footage of the U.S. drone they downed this past weekend, undamaged. Obama was reported to have decided that to go get the drone or blow it up might offend Iran and start a war.
America's new drone technology could now wind up outside of Iran, with America's enemies licking their chops to get a look inside, such as our stealth chopper tail winding up in front of Chinese eyes compliments of Pakistan officials, bin laden getting revenge from the grave.
Source: thegatewaypundit
In the end, the paper quoted a U.S. official as explaining that the attack option was ruled out 'because of the potential it could become a larger incident.' If an assault team entered the country, the U.S. 'could be accused of an act of war' by Tehran.
A senior Israeli security official had this to say: 'Everything that’s happened around the RQ-170 shows that when it comes to Iran and its nuclear program, the Obama administration and Israel have different objectives. On this issue, each country needs to go its own way.'" . . . Now the End Begins |
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
We live in historic Biblical Times
Listen to The Jimmy Z Show on the Internet - The right wing from the left coast! |
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Western North Carolina
Background photo source: President George Washington