Date: December 1, 2011
Subject: McCain said in the 2008 election, Judge Me by the Company I Keep!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Judge me by the company I keep , John McCain challenged his critics during the 2008 presidential election.
This is the same senator that tried to shut down conservative talk radio in 2007 because conservative hosts blasted his plan to give amnesty to illegals aliens.
Now at the end of 2011 nothing has changed, as Udall's amendment is defeated in the Senate. The amendment was designed to put a hold on McCain's language in a Pentagon budget bill that would override an American's constitutional rights of representation when accused of a crime against the United States.
McCain claims he is a conservative. But this RINO's Arizona home is run by progressive liberals. His wife personally supported same-sex marriage in California while his daughter openly trashed Sarah Palin on the far-left network television show, The VIEW, McCain's VP running mate in 2008. If McCain is a conservative, than Michael Jackson's personal doctor is Physician of the Year.
Source: Diggersrealm
So the next logical question to ask comes from a 2009 article in the American Thinker, "Does the Supreme Court Still Sit?" You can bet Ruth Bater Ginsburg does for her far-left liberal friends, Ginsburg a former ACLU executive director and supreme court judge* that looks to Europe's courts for progressive rulings in the United State Supreme Court.
* Confirmed with Republican votes, 96-3, Ginsburg calling it the good old days.
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