Date: November 29, 2011
Subject: Does your child belong to the state?
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Stunning Report:
Does your child belong to the state? - Cases reveal how government is undermining rights of parents.
"For the first time in American history, the majority of the Supreme Court no longer treats a parent's right to control and direct the upbringing of their child as a fundamental liberty," said William Wagner, former U.S. magistrate judge. "We now have a new situation where government itself becomes the standard and whoever's in power gets to say what your liberty is."
"Karl Marx said that in order to establish a perfect socialist state, you have to destroy the family," said family psychologist and author John Rosemond. "You have to substitute the government and its authority for parental authority in the rearing of children."
One of the vehicles to usher in socialist policies over children is an international treaty known as the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, or the UNCRC. Adopted by the UN in 1989, this essentially says that "anytime there is a conflict or dispute between a child and a parent, a government bureaucrat gets to decide what is in the best interest of the child instead of the parent deciding what is in the best interest of the child," said Wagner. showcases three dramatizations of real-life situations concerning the government's excessive intervention in children’s lives.
One of the docudrama's real-life stories re-enacts a UNCRC-implemented experiment in Washington State, where a state law was passed to enforce core provisions of the treaty ‒ that a child's wishes must be adhered to as a standard.
It portrays Farris in 1984 defending parents' rights to take their 13-year-old son to church. After being counseled by officials at school who explained the children's rights provisions under the new law, the teen told a school counselor that he didn't like his parents taking him to church three times a week and was tired of them telling him what to do . . . read more
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Western North Carolina
Background photo source: President George Washington